Heal your anxiety wounds and become a better wife and mom

How to stop spiraling anxious thought patterns like overthinking and worst-case scenario so you can have a thought and go on about your day

How to communicate how you feel without needing to rehearse it 272 times before you do

How to argue and shut down less during conflict with your husband

Increase confidence in navigating your child's big emotions and behaviors without anxiety and mom rage

Setting boundaries with your in laws and/or parents without feeling like you're being too rigid

*** And any other needs held back by mismanaged anxiety 

You're here because you want to work on

In between our bi-weekly sessions, you will receive text-based coaching on demand M-TH. You'll be able to work through any challenge in real time without the need to clear your schedule to do so.

Flexible Coaching For Your Busy Life

You might want more in depth knowledge about something we discuss during session. The Sound Mind Manual Course will be your unlimited access to practical steps to managing anxiety.

Access to the Sound Mind Manual Course

My decade plus experience as a Licensed Trauma Therapist will guide you through structured sessions to heal your anxiety wounds so you can be the person, wife, and mom God is calling you to be. 

12 Weeks of Biweekly Private Coaching

An Immersive Experience Made For The Busy Christian Mom

what's included in 1:1 coaching

pay weekly

Payment Plan Options


pay monthly


pay once


Twelve weekly  payments of $250

Four monthly   payments of $750

One full price   payment of $3,000

I know what it feels like to parent your children as you're reparenting yourself while facing the mirror that we call marriage.

I've turned my decade of clinical knowledge into a virtual classroom to help high-achieving Christian moms manage their anxiety and develop deep, fulfilling connections with their husband and children.

You'll soon find out in our private sessions that I'm a root finder and a solution simplifier. And above all, I'm absolutely giddy about glorifying God by helping you build a secure connection with your husband by healing the root of your anxiety.

Trauma Therapist and Coach for High-Achieving Christian Moms

Hi, I'm Chasity