As Seen in

  • Discover the childhood wound that fuels your anxiety

  • Define why the enemy uses anxiety to keep you stuck

  • Identify your anxiety blindspots in having a stale marriage and passing down anxiety to your children

  • Learn the skills to break out of the vicious anxiety cycle as a wife and mom

Here’s how it’s going to work → During the 60 minute life class you will:

my signature 6-month program is opening after this training. And when you come live, you'll get to take advantage of a special bonus for joining legacy.

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Amanda D.

Hey Chasity! Thank you SO much for the webinar you did on perfectionism. I just listened to it again and took 11 pages of notes 🤍. This information has been such a blessing and I wanted to just say THANK YOU!

HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE life class (almost)

Trauma Therapist and Coach spreading anti-Perfectionism confetti around like it's 1999.

Speaking of, healing the root of perfectionism is my unique approach to ending the cycle of passing childhood wounds to your children.

Being a Perfectionist is NOT a badge of honor. It's actually deeply rooted in a wound from one or both of your parents.

As an Expert Trauma Therapist, I’m going to help you untangle yourself from perfectionism so you can step into the identity that God has called you into - unwounded.

Hi darling,

I'm Chasity

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